Saxion, TPAC and HAN have started a 2-year project on a lightweight automotive suspension.
Several activities have been started after the kickoff of the project Lightweight Automotive Suspension (LAS). This 2 year project will answer the question:
What are the application possibilities of thermoplastic composites in highly loaded safety critical automotive components for serial production?

To answer this question a RAAK MKB project has been initiated in which industry and research institutes will be working together. As technology carriers several components of the rear wheel suspension have been selected.
The following parties have committed themselves to the project:
- HAN research group Automotive Research
- Saxion research group Lightweight Structures
- AutomotiveNL (Automotive Branch Organization)
- Donkervoort (Car producer)
- Saker (Car producer)
- Intrax (Supplier of spring damper systems)
- VB Airsuspension (Supplier of air spring systems)
- MAD (Supplier of spring damper systems)
- 2C Composites (Owner of overbraiding composite technology)
After the kickoff several meetings between Saxion and HAN have taken place. Starting point is the design (requirements) of the components (HAN is leading) after which production (Design) of the components will commence (Saxion is leading).