Fishing nets are disposed of in huge quantities. Annual volume in the Netherlands amounts to 150-225 tons. Nets lose their function and are mainly discarded because of their shape loss. But the material quality is still good at their end of life after one year.
Currently there is no good incentive to deliver and collect end of life fishing nets. Existing recycling initiatives almost all concern polyamide fiber based nets, which is not a possible route for the nets in this project. The Foundation World Healthy Ocean Netherlands intends to develop an (inter-) national hub to reprocess nets in a sustainable and economically viable way. Funded by SIA (KIEM VANG) Saxion investigates the economic feasibility of recycling fishing nets into granules. In addition, multiple solutions shall be developed for reusing fishing nets, in order to gain more added value.

Project partners
Foundation World Healthy Ocean Netherlands, Pasterkamp Consultancy
Sep/2017 – Mar/2018
KIEM VANG subsidy, financed by Regieorgaan SIA, part of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
For more information about this project, please click here or here.
NetteRe project in the NEWS
- Visnet wordt stonebag voor Rijkswaterstraat
KUNSTSTOF & RUBBER website, News post: 28/12/2018