4 09, 2018


2018-11-13T09:30:22+01:00September 4th, 2018|

Celebrating 5 years of Lightweight Structures: Opening TPAC lab facilities and inaugural speech On 14th September 2018 there is enough to celebrate. The research group Lightweight Structures celebrates its 5th anniversary, the inaugural speech of Ferrie van Hattum, professor Lightweight Structures takes place and the new lab facilities of the Thermoplastic composite Application [...]

9 05, 2018

KICKOFF Lightweight Automotive Suspension

2018-11-13T09:30:47+01:00May 9th, 2018|

Saxion, TPAC and HAN have started a 2-year project on a lightweight automotive suspension. Several activities have been started after the kickoff of the project Lightweight Automotive Suspension (LAS).  This 2 year project will answer the question: What are the application possibilities of thermoplastic composites in highly loaded safety critical automotive components for [...]

9 04, 2018

TPAC on Nationaal Kunststoffen Congres (NKC 2018)

2018-11-13T09:31:14+01:00April 9th, 2018|

TPAC exhibited opportunities to plastics industry on NKC 2018. On the 5th of April 2018, the TPAC participated in the National Plastics Conference (Nationaal Kunststoffen Congres) in Steenwijk, the Netherlands. During the sessions, prof. Ferrie van Hattum explained about the interesting potential of thermoplastic materials. The majority of visitors had their background in [...]

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