25 03, 2021

Online injection molding practice in TPAC

2021-03-25T09:28:22+01:00March 25th, 2021|

The Mechanical Engineering program at Saxion University of Applied Sciences has a plastics module in which students learn about the various processing techniques for plastics. This used to be a purely theoretical matter, but the practical at TPAC should change this. The most commonly used plastic processing technique is injection moulding. Lecturer [...]

11 03, 2021

Over €6 million for Perspective programme ENLIGHTEN: lighter vehicles

2021-03-11T12:06:02+01:00March 11th, 2021|

TPAC partners in University of Twente-led consortium Over the next few years, Saxion TPAC partners in a University of Twente-led consortium that will be working on research into technological innovations with real economic potential that could help us to achieve a more sustainable world. The research project ENLIGHTEN (Enabling Integrated Lightweight [...]

19 02, 2021

Recycled wood good basis for fibres in plastic composites

2021-02-19T15:15:59+01:00February 19th, 2021|

Research at TPAC shows processing possibilities for scrap wood  ENSCHEDE - In October 2019 research center Saxion TPAC together with recycling company Rouwmaat and Innodeen, an innovator of plastic- and plastic composite products, started the project B–hout Behoud (B-wood Preservation). Based on the thought that recycled wood should not be incinerated but re-used, [...]

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