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Finalization project: Post-use Plastic Foil solutions

2023-07-18T11:11:33+02:00July 18th, 2023|

This project contributes to the objectives of the European Green Deal. The plastics recycling industry still has a long way to go to become fully circular. Many companies share problems in different variations. Used foils and thin-walled plastics (Post-use Plastic Foil or PPF) are a substantial obstacle to the circular economy, as they [...]

r-TPC Industralised

2023-07-13T09:14:53+02:00July 3rd, 2023|

rTPC Industrialisation Industrialisation of lab-scale recycling processes for ThermoPlastic Composiets Summary Recently recycling technologies for thermoplastic composites have been developed at lab-scale in the TPAC by the research group Lightweight Structures. R&D in a.o. the RAAK PRO project ‘TPC-Cycle’ have resulted in successful real-life demonstrator products, like the access panel door as developed [...]

New Generation Stiffened Thermoplastic Composite Products

2024-02-09T08:53:50+01:00July 6th, 2022|

New Generation Stiffened Thermoplastic Composite Products Summary The application of composite materials in the Energy, Transport and Commodity Sector contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions by means of less weight (of specific importance to air- and road transport), lower energy consumption for production and sustainable products. Besides existing, small markets in various [...]

TPAC laboratory expansion

2022-12-14T13:09:20+01:00December 13th, 2022|

TPAC is growing and, therefore, our laboratory space will be expanded with an additional 290 square meters of floor space. This will allow TPAC to move its labscale- and test-equipment to the new lab space, reserving the current lab space for industrial equipment, allowing for trials closer to industrial reality. This expansion will [...]

Onderzoek naar de levenscyclus van materialen voor parkmeubilair

2023-12-22T14:08:05+01:00December 22nd, 2023|

Soort opdracht                   Stage- /afstudeeropdracht Organisatie:                         TPAC Contactpersoon:                 Bert Weteringe Email contactpersoon: Studierichtingen:               HBO Werktuigbouwkunde (richting composieten) / Chemische Technologie TPAC richt zich op het ontwikkelen van kosten efficiënte technologieën voor de verwerking van vezel versterkte thermoplastische kunststoffen. Thermoplasten kenmerken zich doordat ze, eenmaal in gesmolten toestand, [...]

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