13 12, 2021

TPAC goes Circular!

2021-12-13T15:38:36+01:00December 13th, 2021|

Recycling of thermoplastics is an important research area of TPAC. Within the Programme Fieldlab Circulaire Innovaties in de Maakindustrie this year three projects were started, for three totally different working fields: 1)  Circular Insulating Sandwich Panels for the Building Industry Here, TPAC uses scrap panels and its cutting waste, grinds it [...]

7 12, 2021

Students at Saxion’s TPAC

2021-12-17T13:41:50+01:00December 7th, 2021|

In 2021 a number of students started their internship / graduation assignment or 3S project at TPAC. Varying from Mechatronics, Fashion & Textile Technologies, International Business, Commercial Economics, Creative business to Mechanical Engineering, from ROC Twente to Saxion. From left to right: Niels Nijhuis, Luuk van den Berg, Jarne Vennegoor, Lars van [...]

25 05, 2021

Student team iFall from TU Delft wins design competition 3D printed tower

2021-05-26T10:29:11+02:00May 25th, 2021|

Enschede - The student team iFall from Delft University of Technology won the competition for additive manufacturing that was organized by SAMPE Benelux. Student teams from the Benelux were invited by the organization SAMPE Benelux to participate in a competition in the field of additive manufacturing. Six teams from TU Delft (NL) and [...]

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