Students at TPAC
Meet our interns! At TPAC, we are committed to providing an inspiring and hands-on learning environment for students. We welcome MBO, HBO, and WO students for internships and graduation projects, giving them the opportunity to work on real-world challenges. Currently, five students are working on a variety of projects. Jochem Vlutters is a graduate student from ROC van [...]
Happy Holidays!
Thank you for your collaboration in 2024. We wish you a wonderful Holiday Season and a happy and peaceful New Year. Looking forward to continue working with you in 2025!! On behalf of the entire TPAC-team, Ferrie van Hattum
Students design NS luggage racks using technology developed by TPAC
A multidisciplinary group of Saxion students was given the task last semester to investigate market-driven opportunities for the application of thermoplastic technologies developed by TPAC. TPAC has been working for over 10 years on developing cost-efficient production technologies for thermoplastic composite products. We are noticing that more and more companies are eager to transition to thermoplastic composite materials [...]
Fibre reinforced prostheses pass the test
In the Twente region, an ecosystem focused on medical 3D printing has developed over the past few years. Researchers from Saxion University of Applied Sciences collaborate with the Medisch Spectrum Twente, Ziekenhuisgroep Twente, Roessingh Rehabilitation Center, OCON, and various (commercial) partners. Within this ecosystem, 3D printing is used to create preoperative models, cutting guides, and simple medical devices, [...]
Kick-off: Next Thermoplastic Composite Manufacturing Solutions
In April the kick-off took place of the Lighthouse 1 project as part of the Interreg “Manufacturing Next Materials”. Here, TPAC and CATO are working together on the production of thermoplastic composite applications. This collaboration is set up to specifically help SMEs with the conversion and professionalization of the manufacturability of these applications. This not only offers benefits [...]
3D wood printing
The project is investigating the possibility of using lignin and cellulose for 3D printing. With only these two materials it turned out not to be possible to print properly. Therefore, the bio-based polymer PLA (from corn starch) was used as a binder. The PLA is essential to get enough material into the flow for controlled extrusion. First [...]
Students at TPAC
In 2024 a number of students have started their internship or graduation assignment at TPAC. Currently we have interns varying from Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineer to Industrial Design, either from Saxion, ROC Twente or the University of Twente. From left to right: Stijn Baars, Manu Warnet, Tim van Berloo, Mika van der Schaaf and Daan van der Zalm. [...]
TPAC is celebrating its 10th anniversary
Over the past period, we have been working hard on expanding our laboratory, resulting in a significant increase in lab facilities and the installation of multiple industry-sized machines. This development allows TPAC to better serve its role as an R&D partner for businesses and its role in education! Additionally, TPAC is celebrating its 10th (!!) anniversary this year. [...]
Expansion TPAC laboratory
In recent weeks, the expansion of TPAC's laboratory has been in full swing. We've relocated machinery from our original laboratory to create space for new, industry-sized equipment that is already eagerly waiting to be employed! The lab's floor has been reinforced to accommodate a delivery: of a KUKA robotic arm with an impressive 4.8m range. Paired with [...]
Finalization project: Post-use Plastic Foil solutions
This project contributes to the objectives of the European Green Deal. The plastics recycling industry still has a long way to go to become fully circular. Many companies share problems in different variations. Used foils and thin-walled plastics (Post-use Plastic Foil or PPF) are a substantial obstacle to the circular economy, as they represent a large share of [...]
TPAC laboratory expansion (update)
Our new laboratory space (290 square meter) is almost finished. This will allow TPAC to move its labscale- and test-equipment to the new lab space, reserving the current lab space for industrial equipment, allowing for trials closer to industrial reality. The new laboratory space will be operational in September. Furthermore, a Kuka robot with a CEAD extruder [...]
New employees at TPAC
The last period, a large group of new employees has joined our TPAC team. We would like to use this moment to introduce all of them. From left to right: Wallison da Silva Bezerra, Martijn Jannink, Peter Verschut, Ibrahim Can Kaymaz, Allard Braakhuis and Özgür Seydibeyoğlu Wallison da Silva Bezerra Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the [...]
The sustainable promise of lightweight composites
Auteur: Jos Eertink Photography: Thomas Busschers Date: 4 July 2022 Source: Saxion News At Saxion’s Lightweight Structures research group (better known as TPAC- ThermoPlastic composites Application Center), flax fibres form the basis for sustainable sheet material, and composite tapes made of recycled plastic [...]
First year’s Mechanical Engineering students at TPAC
Today first year's Mechanical Engineering students from Hogeschool Saxion came to visit TPAC for a short introduction of the research group and a tour of the lab facilities. In the following weeks they will be involved in (injection moulding) practical training.
Ferrie van Hattum on BNR Eyeopeners
On BNR Eyeopeners, Ferrie van Hattum talks about composites and how they are more and more used in different industries. To listen to the complete podcast, click here.
TPAC presents
On 17th November, our colleague Ferrie van Hattum presented at the AZL GmbH Hybrid Thermoplastic Composites Workgroup Meeting in Aachen, Germany, on TPAC’s progress on recycling of thermoplastic composites and biobased thermoplastic composites. In the meetings, professionals from research and industry meet, present and discuss their latest developments. Earlier, on 7th October, TPAC was also invited to [...]
Fibre reinforced extrusion
In the Post-Use Plastic Foil solutions project we develop low-cost techniques to reprocess thin-walled waste plastics from local waste sources into products. Heavily polluted plastics, such as post-consumer packaging, often have lower mechanical properties, as separating and cleaning of the various plastics involved is difficult and expensive. One option is to reinforce the material with glass fibres: [...]
CTCP – Circular Thermoplastic Composite Production
In the project "CTCP - Circular Thermoplastic Composite Production", 6 SMEs and 2 Universities of Applied Sciences carried out R&D on the circularity of thermoplastic composites. The project, financed by Regieorgaan SIA, part of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) through a RAAK-MKB subsidy, was successfully completed earlier this year. The following goals were achieved: New material [...]
TPAC laboratory expansion
TPAC is growing and, therefore, our laboratory space will be expanded with an additional 290 square meters of floor space. This will allow TPAC to move its labscale- and test-equipment to the new lab space, reserving the current lab space for industrial equipment, allowing for trials closer to industrial reality. This expansion will also allow the industrial lab [...]
Student works on Polycarbonate recycling
The student Ivar Stokvisch from the Saxion course on Sustainable Chemistry, has worked at TPACs labs on recycling methods for Polycarbonate (PC), supplied by Falco B.V., a company in Vriezenveen that produces outdoor furniture such as bicycle shelters. He looked into the chemical and mechanical recycling, aiming at creating a loop for this stream and starting a second [...]
Webinair “Lightweight Opportunities for Thermoplastic Composites”
On 24th November, TPAC organised the webinar “Lightweight Opportunities for Thermoplastic Composites”, as an educational activity that falls within the WP2 of the Righweight Interreg North Western Europe, a project which goal is to intensify the cooperation between the automotive and the aerospace sectors for reaching environmental and affordability targets. Thermoplastic Composites offer great opportunities for large series [...]
Recycling of air filters
In the past months, TPAC has worked closely together with CIM Fieldlab, Brink Climate Systems and Hogeschool Saxion students looking into the possibilities of recycling Brink's air filters as part of creating a circular business model. The project offered the students a challenging real-life industrial problem to be solved in intense collaboration, under the supervision of Harrie van Bommel, Marco Del Vecchio and [...]
TPAC makes first garment out of river plastics
Auteur: Anne Hurenkamp Date: 5 July 2022 Source: Saxion News River plastic that has been recovered from the river Ijssel in Zwolle, processed in Enschede and to be sold in the clothing store in Zuthpen. If all goes well, that dream will become reality in 2023. Saxion [...]
Funding RAAK-PRO project approved by Regieorgaan SIA
On 16 May 2022 TPAC received the formal approval for the RAAKPRO project “New Generation Stiffened Thermoplastic Composite Products” from RegieOrgaan SIA. The project has a lead time of 4 years and will start per 1 July 2022. On the 30th of June a pre-kick-off meeting was organized at TPAC together with the consortium partners. It started with [...]
Graduation internship at TPAC
Fourth-year mechatronics ROC students Lars van der Heijden and Luuk van den Berg graduating and ending their assignment at Saxion’s TPAC (Enschede). Luuk van den Berg and Lars van der Heijden finished their assignment at TPAC and graduated with good grades at ROC Hengelo: Luuk worked on the design and manufacturing of an extruder, that could be [...]
- Wat hout kan – De basis zijn voor composiet
Houtblad, feb/2021
- Textielbedrijf zoekt toekomst in weven nieuwe composietmaterialen
Kunststof & Rubber, 19/11/2020
- Textiel bedrijf zoekt toekomst in weven nieuwe composietmaterialen
Vraag & aanbod, 16/11/2020
- Rotocraft access panel from recycled carbon PPS – World’s first flying fully recycled thermoplastic composite application in aerospace
Composite Solutions & Technopolymers, Nr. 2 2020 - Wereldprimeur voor TPAC van Saxion met gerecycled vliegtuigonderdeel website, 04/09/2020 - Recycled thermoplastic composite rotocraft access panel takes flight
Composites world website, News post: 27/07/2020 - HOW IT’S MADE – A rotocraft access panel made from recycled carbon PPS
JEC website, News post: 01/07/2020 - Gebruikte vliegtuigonderdelen recyclen
Kunststof & rubber nieuws website, News post: 29/06/2020 - Wereldprimeur: eerste vlucht met gerecycled composiet
OostNL website, News post: 25/06/2020 - Wereldprimeur: Saxion brengt het ‘groene’ vliegen dichterbij
De gelderlander website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Wereldprimeur: Saxion brengt het ‘groene’ vliegen dichterbij
AD website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Wereldprimeur: Saxion brengt het ‘groene’ vliegen dichterbij
De stentor website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Nederlandse methode om koolstofvezels te recyclen blijkt succesvol
Recycling magazine website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Eerste vliegtuigonderdeel van gerecycled composiet ter wereld succesvol getest
BNR niewsradio website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Wereldprimeur Saxion brengt het groene vliegen dichterbij
Luchtvaart nieuws website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Primeur Saxion Enschede, reclclebaar restaafval vliegtuig
Tubantia website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Wereldprimeur rotocraft vliegt met door Saxion ontworpen toegangsluik van gerecycled materiaal
Saxion website, News post: 22/06/2020 - Vliegtuig met gerecyclede materialen, is dat de toekomst?
Duurzaam bedrijfsleven website, News post: 22/06/2020 - Nederlandse methode om koolstofvezels te recyclen blijkt succesvol
Luchtvaart nieuws website, News post: 20/06/2020 - Saxion Enschede zet flinke stap op weg naar duurzaam vliegen
Tubantia website, News post: 18/06/2020 - Productie duurzaam vliegtuig stap dichterbij
Transport online website, News post: 18/06/2020 - Gerecycleerd koolstofvezelcomposiet doorstaat vliegtest
Engineers online website, News post: 18/06/2020 - Productie duurzaam vliegtuig stap dichterbij
Duurzaam ondernemen website, News post: 18/06/2020 - GKN Aerospace’s thermoplastic components flight tested on bell V-280 valor
GKN Aerospace website, News post: 04/06/2020 - Thermoplastic components successfully flight tested on Bell V-280 Valor
Composites World website, News post: 04/06/2020 - GKN Aerospace’s thermoplastic components flight tested on Bell V-280 Valor
JEC Composites website, News post: 04/06/2020 - The state of recycled carbon fiber
Composites World website, News post: 04/09/2019 - GKN Aerospace thermoplastic composites featured on Bell V-280
Composites World website, News post: 20/06/2019 - Twee vliegen in een klap
Go! Mobility Magazine RAI Vereniging, 01/2019 - Visnet wordt stonebag voor Rijkswaterstraat
KUNSTSTOF & RUBBER website, News post: 28/12/2018 - Saxion-student ontwerpt neus veiligheidsschoen van afvalcomposiet
KUNSTSTOF & RUBBER website, News post: 01/11/2018 - TPAC and TPRC develop thermoplastic composites recycling process
Composites World website, News post: 19/10/2018 - Nieuwe onderzoeksfaciliteiten voor composieten in Enschede
Smart Industry NL website - The Dutch ThermoPlastic composites Application Center opens new lab facilities
JEC Composites website, News post: 09/25/2018 - Bulkpolymeren tien keer zo sterk met gebruik van vezels
KUNSTSTOF & RUBBER, 11-12/2017, pp. 6-9 - Nieuw application centre voor thermoplastisch composiet
KUNSTSTOF & RUBBER, 10/2017, pp. 28-29 - Nederlandse onderzoekers geven ‘wondermateriaal’ koolstofvezelcomposiet tweede leven
SCIENTIAS article, 09/2017