TPAC goes Circular!
Recycling of thermoplastics is an important research area of TPAC. Within the Programme Fieldlab Circulaire Innovaties in de Maakindustrie this year three projects were started, for three totally different working fields: 1) Circular Insulating Sandwich Panels for the Building Industry Here, TPAC uses scrap panels and its cutting waste, grinds it into small particles and moulds [...]
Students at Saxion’s TPAC
In 2021 a number of students started their internship / graduation assignment or 3S project at TPAC. Varying from Mechatronics, Fashion & Textile Technologies, International Business, Commercial Economics, Creative business to Mechanical Engineering, from ROC Twente to Saxion. From left to right: Niels Nijhuis, Luuk van den Berg, Jarne Vennegoor, Lars van der Heijden, Donato Titulaer, Ties [...]
TPAC features in latest Strategic Research Agenda for Universities of Applied Sciences
The Dutch Association of Universities of Applied Sciences recently published its new Strategic Research Agenda for Universities of Applied Sciences 2022-2025. The agenda outlines how UASs can further boost the impact of applied research in the years to come. In the agenda, TPAC features as an example of a center for applied research with impact on society. [...]
TPAC researcher Rik Voerman on air with 1Twente
Rivers full of floating plastic, huge piles of household plastic waste. Is it possible to develop circular solutions in the east of the Netherlands to combat the worldwide surplus of waste from thin plastics and films? TPAC researcher Rik Voerman was on air with 1Twente, to explain how decentralised recycling could be the solution to these problems. [...]
Research of Saxion’s TPAC into recycling of thin-walled plastics enters a new phase
Auteur: Anne Hurenkamp Date: 12 October 2021 Source: Saxion News Enschede - Rivers full of floating plastic, huge piles of household plastic waste. We know the worrying images from the media. Is it possible to develop circular solutions in the east of the Netherlands to combat the worldwide [...]
Saxion TPAC presents at SAMPE Europe conference 2021, and wins award
Marco Del Vecchio and Ilse ten Bruggencate presented their research work during SAMPE Europe 2021, a conference for materials and process engineering, which was held from 28-30 September. Marco Del Vecchio presented his scientific paper entitled Use of construction waste in wood fibre composites in the session “sustainability & recycling”. Marco has been working on the processing [...]
Student at Saxion TPAC developed reuse composite tape
New opportunities for application rejected production material CompTape, a Dutch supplier of thermoplastic composite tape, was looking for a solution to also enter the market for compression moulded products in the composite world and, at the same time, find a sustainable destination for its rejected material. This company now supplies glass fiber reinforced plastic ‘tape on the roll’ [...]
Student team iFall from TU Delft wins design competition 3D printed tower
Enschede - The student team iFall from Delft University of Technology won the competition for additive manufacturing that was organized by SAMPE Benelux. Student teams from the Benelux were invited by the organization SAMPE Benelux to participate in a competition in the field of additive manufacturing. Six teams from TU Delft (NL) and University Ghent (B) participated and [...]
Ferrie van Hattum on the ‘Nationale Autoshow’ of BNR news radio
On the 'Nationale Autoshow' of BNR nieuwsradio, Ferrie van Hattum explains how cars can be lighter in the future, by using composite materials. He explains how research in the 3D Faim and FIBREREC project lead to a industrial automotive demonstrator made 100% from recycled plastic. Did you miss the interview? You can listen to it here. A previous [...]
Research provides promising opportunities for high-value applications of recycled plastics
Automotive composite demonstrator made out of 100 percent recycled plastic ENSCHEDE - The TPAC laboratory of Saxion University of Applied Sciences recently presented the results of a three-year study, into the possibilities of using plastic recyclates in fiber-reinforced composite products. Many promising results have been achieved, one of the most important being the first-time automotive demonstrator, an example [...]
Online injection molding practice in TPAC
The Mechanical Engineering program at Saxion University of Applied Sciences has a plastics module in which students learn about the various processing techniques for plastics. This used to be a purely theoretical matter, but the practical at TPAC should change this. The most commonly used plastic processing technique is injection moulding. Lecturer / researcher Remi Hoefman: “At [...]
Over €6 million for Perspective programme ENLIGHTEN: lighter vehicles
TPAC partners in University of Twente-led consortium Over the next few years, Saxion TPAC partners in a University of Twente-led consortium that will be working on research into technological innovations with real economic potential that could help us to achieve a more sustainable world. The research project ENLIGHTEN (Enabling Integrated Lightweight Structures In High Volumes) aims [...]
ROC-Mechatronics students intern at TPAC
Fourth-year mechatronics students Rene Groeneveld and Rutger Venekatte from the ROC Hengelo are doing an internship at Saxion's TPAC in Enschede. “Our internship is not actually about plastics or composites. We are more involved as a technical service for the installations at TPAC”, says Venekatte. A range of machines and test setups have been installed and [...]
Recycled wood good basis for fibres in plastic composites
Research at TPAC shows processing possibilities for scrap wood ENSCHEDE - In October 2019 research center Saxion TPAC together with recycling company Rouwmaat and Innodeen, an innovator of plastic- and plastic composite products, started the project B–hout Behoud (B-wood Preservation). Based on the thought that recycled wood should not be incinerated but re-used, the partners developed a way [...]
Textile weaving company seeks future in novel composite materials
ACTK-director Meihuizen: weaving future materials In the city of Enschede - once world’s second-largest textile city – almost all textile weaving companies have gone, except ACTK. But also the future of this long-standing weaving company is at stake. Director Coert Meihuizen now invests in development and co-operates with TPAC of Saxion. “We cannot keep on going with [...]
Lecturers make test samples for their minor students
Corona rules forced mechanics-lecturer Cees Besteman and his colleagues to make laminates out of glass-fiber composite for their minor-students. Cees Besteman mechatronics lecturer at the academy LED. With his colleagues Jos ter Laak and Peter Wichers Schreur, he takes care of the minor AMPE. The Advanced Materials and Production Engineering (AMPE) minor, originated from the minor [...]
TPAC present at SAMPE Europe 2020
TPAC will be present at SAMPE Europe 2020 in Amsterdam! On this conference and exhibiton companies and institutes are presenting their most recent applications and innovations in composites materials and processes. If you have an interest in processing, automation, recycling or any other TPC related subject, come meet TPAC at the Dutch Composite Fieldlabs Pavilion at SAMPE Europe [...]
Rotocraft access panel from recycled carbon PPS
World's first flying fully recycled thermoplastic composite application in aerospace. TPAC is proud to announce that the demonstrator product of our TPC-Cycle project has officially been flight tested. This rotocraft access panel is made from recycled carbon PPS, utilising a novel recycling route, the panel is lighter and more cost-effective. This demonstrator panel thus is the world's first [...]
TPAC temporarily closed
Dear reader, Due to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Saxion University of Applied Sciences has closed down completely its facilities as of Tuesday 17 March 2020. With this, Saxion aims at minimising the health risks for the students and employees. This effectively means that also we at TPAC can no longer access our office and lab space and [...]
Practical injection molding
First year mechanical engineering students were introduced to injection molding during their practical for ‘non-ferro materials and production’. This class is part of the newly developed mechanical engineering curriculum. Here students look at the entire process of injection molding. This included theory about designing injection molding parts, molds, simulations of the actual injection molding, and the effects of [...]
Kick-off (b-)hout behoud
The project “(B-)hout behoud” (wood preservation) with partners Innodeen and Rouwmaat Groep has started. The project aims at manufacturing wood-fibre composite from B-wood - construction wood waste material that is currently incinerated. It studies the shredding of the materials to obtain fibres from B-wood, mix these into wood fibre composites, make profiles and evaluate their use in a construction application. [...]
Kick-off FIXAR
7 October was the kick-off for the FIXAR project. The main question is 'How can the aviation- and windenergy sector make composites repair economically viable by applying automated technologies?' To answer this question, TPAC, part of Saxion University of Applied Sciences, joined a consortium with Dutch aviation- and wind energy SMEs, CompositesNL, and the InHolland and Amsterdam Universities [...]
CAMX Unsurpassed innovation award
We are proud to announce that the TPC-Cycle access panel demonstrator is selected as finalist for the CAMX Unsurpassed innovation award. The access panel is made from recycled C/PPS waste material and more lightweight and cost-effective than the virgin solution. The panel is designed in collaboration with GKN Fokker and other TPC-Cycle partners: TPRC, TorayAC, DTC, CATO composites, [...]
TPAC joins European Composites, Plastics and Polymer Processing Platform
TPAC proudly joins the ECP4, The European Composites, Plastics and Polymer Processing Platform and aims at expanding collaboration within Europe for its partners. ECP4 is an industry-driven collaboration that unites members from 13 countries amongst the top-level European research institutions, regional plastic clusters, and EU-level industrial organisations of plastics and composites converters. ECP4 brings innovation partners together to [...]
Sustainable thinking and environmental awareness are growing for societal and economic reasons. Therefore the reuse of reclaimed and bio-based materials receives increasing attention. Recently, the TPAC concluded the DECOREC project co-financed by the Taskforce for Applied Research (SIA). The project was executed in collaboration with Tiwánee van der Horst and Gebr. van der Geest. The main objective was [...]
- Wat hout kan – De basis zijn voor composiet
Houtblad, feb/2021
- Textielbedrijf zoekt toekomst in weven nieuwe composietmaterialen
Kunststof & Rubber, 19/11/2020
- Textiel bedrijf zoekt toekomst in weven nieuwe composietmaterialen
Vraag & aanbod, 16/11/2020
- Rotocraft access panel from recycled carbon PPS – World’s first flying fully recycled thermoplastic composite application in aerospace
Composite Solutions & Technopolymers, Nr. 2 2020 - Wereldprimeur voor TPAC van Saxion met gerecycled vliegtuigonderdeel website, 04/09/2020 - Recycled thermoplastic composite rotocraft access panel takes flight
Composites world website, News post: 27/07/2020 - HOW IT’S MADE – A rotocraft access panel made from recycled carbon PPS
JEC website, News post: 01/07/2020 - Gebruikte vliegtuigonderdelen recyclen
Kunststof & rubber nieuws website, News post: 29/06/2020 - Wereldprimeur: eerste vlucht met gerecycled composiet
OostNL website, News post: 25/06/2020 - Wereldprimeur: Saxion brengt het ‘groene’ vliegen dichterbij
De gelderlander website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Wereldprimeur: Saxion brengt het ‘groene’ vliegen dichterbij
AD website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Wereldprimeur: Saxion brengt het ‘groene’ vliegen dichterbij
De stentor website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Nederlandse methode om koolstofvezels te recyclen blijkt succesvol
Recycling magazine website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Eerste vliegtuigonderdeel van gerecycled composiet ter wereld succesvol getest
BNR niewsradio website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Wereldprimeur Saxion brengt het groene vliegen dichterbij
Luchtvaart nieuws website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Primeur Saxion Enschede, reclclebaar restaafval vliegtuig
Tubantia website, News post: 23/06/2020 - Wereldprimeur rotocraft vliegt met door Saxion ontworpen toegangsluik van gerecycled materiaal
Saxion website, News post: 22/06/2020 - Vliegtuig met gerecyclede materialen, is dat de toekomst?
Duurzaam bedrijfsleven website, News post: 22/06/2020 - Nederlandse methode om koolstofvezels te recyclen blijkt succesvol
Luchtvaart nieuws website, News post: 20/06/2020 - Saxion Enschede zet flinke stap op weg naar duurzaam vliegen
Tubantia website, News post: 18/06/2020 - Productie duurzaam vliegtuig stap dichterbij
Transport online website, News post: 18/06/2020 - Gerecycleerd koolstofvezelcomposiet doorstaat vliegtest
Engineers online website, News post: 18/06/2020 - Productie duurzaam vliegtuig stap dichterbij
Duurzaam ondernemen website, News post: 18/06/2020 - GKN Aerospace’s thermoplastic components flight tested on bell V-280 valor
GKN Aerospace website, News post: 04/06/2020 - Thermoplastic components successfully flight tested on Bell V-280 Valor
Composites World website, News post: 04/06/2020 - GKN Aerospace’s thermoplastic components flight tested on Bell V-280 Valor
JEC Composites website, News post: 04/06/2020 - The state of recycled carbon fiber
Composites World website, News post: 04/09/2019 - GKN Aerospace thermoplastic composites featured on Bell V-280
Composites World website, News post: 20/06/2019 - Twee vliegen in een klap
Go! Mobility Magazine RAI Vereniging, 01/2019 - Visnet wordt stonebag voor Rijkswaterstraat
KUNSTSTOF & RUBBER website, News post: 28/12/2018 - Saxion-student ontwerpt neus veiligheidsschoen van afvalcomposiet
KUNSTSTOF & RUBBER website, News post: 01/11/2018 - TPAC and TPRC develop thermoplastic composites recycling process
Composites World website, News post: 19/10/2018 - Nieuwe onderzoeksfaciliteiten voor composieten in Enschede
Smart Industry NL website - The Dutch ThermoPlastic composites Application Center opens new lab facilities
JEC Composites website, News post: 09/25/2018 - Bulkpolymeren tien keer zo sterk met gebruik van vezels
KUNSTSTOF & RUBBER, 11-12/2017, pp. 6-9 - Nieuw application centre voor thermoplastisch composiet
KUNSTSTOF & RUBBER, 10/2017, pp. 28-29 - Nederlandse onderzoekers geven ‘wondermateriaal’ koolstofvezelcomposiet tweede leven
SCIENTIAS article, 09/2017